The Gift of Space


What a whirlwind the last few months have been. From becoming accustomed to phrases like social distancing and self-quarantine, to the daily realization that you were literally living in the movie Groundhog Day, to taking on new roles at home or having more people at home than usual. All of us have had to learn how to navigate these times, each unique to ourselves and our circumstances but similar to others in that we have been alone together. Did it ever start to feel like too much for you? Did you ever wonder if you’d see family or friends again? Did you develop new hobbies or bad habits? Well, all of it is OKAY! If you learned to paint or didn’t, it’s okay. If you got fit or ate too much chocolate, it’s okay. If you read all the books or not a one, it’s okay. I’m just here to remind you that it is all okay!

I haven’t shared much about how I’ve been feeling these last couple of months because it isn’t always my style. I may tend to internalize and then letting it bubble up(my husband loves this about me 😉). So thank goodness I have found tools to help me in this area. I took my thoughts and feelings, for the most part, to my mat. My yoga mat. I’ve spent time daily in my yoga practice and/or my meditation practice. This has brought me great comfort over the last couple months, along with that nightly bite of dark chocolate.

All this time, created space for me. Space to get clear on what I wanted, needed (not always the same thing) and what would be best for me. I’m learning to let go of what was not serving me and leaning into what makes me feel fulfilled and happy. So, I’m grateful. Grateful for the clarity, the time, the space.

I will not pretend this is easy work, but simply being open to really knowing yourself is a great start. Sitting with the stuff, the thoughts and feelings, that we don’t like help us learn more about ourselves and when we know ourselves better we can know each other better.

Is there something you need to sit with, to get clear on, to let go of?