This Is Almost 40


Happy Friday, if that’s what day it really is. The way the holidays fell this year has made it challenging to get back on track with what day it is, let alone worrying about what year to write! But, hey 2020, I’m excited you’re here! It’s been a long time since I was this excited for a new year. It’s not just a new year though, it’s a new decade too and in this new year and decade, I will turn 40. Yep, not even just this year or this decade but this month! I’ve never been more sure of myself, more proud of myself and more open to what is in store for me than I am in this very moment. In fact I’ve lived most of my life wondering why I wasn’t already achieving something or asking why life hadn’t turned out the way I wanted, expected, etc.

It’s only now that I know the answers to these questions. I guess wisdom does come with age. (here’s hoping)


When we stop letting life happen to us, expecting it to be a certain thing without doing the work - that is where the magic happens. When we start getting intentional about our decisions, our relationships, our choices - that is where the magic happens. Learning to trust in the timing of our lives, even through the hard stuff - that is where the magic happens.

You see, this is where and how we grow. The journey that brought me to today has been a winding road. Not all amazing decisions, definitely not all intentional, definitely not all made with thought and purpose or with love and consideration. It’s been a winding road. I had a choice though, I could stay on that path or choose something different, something new, something better! That is what I did. I started doing the hard work that is self work. Looking at my behavior, my actions, better yet - my reactions, and started to reevaluate where I was headed. This work never ends, but I’m sure glad it started!

As I enter a new decade of my life I feel like the best is ahead of me. I’m grateful for the lessons I learned along the way as well as the ones I will continue to learn. I’m committed to staying open to the Universe and others and letting myself be guided by my the teacher within me.

I didn’t pick a word for this year or make some big resolution, instead I wrote down a few, okay, a lot of things I wanted to let go of. Releasing them from my mind and soul. Then I wrote down several things I want to get real intentional about in 2020. Continuing to serve others through education, teaching and wellness is so close to my heart and I plan to keep doing more of that!

So here is to more wellness, more love and more true self in 2020!