January Reset - Week 1

We are a full week into the New Year and I promised some tips/tricks on how to incorporate oils into your day, and well, I haven't forgotten about you. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I've been sharing over there.
Today I wanted to give you my top 3 ways I use oils every day. These are my, "If I do nothing else with oils today, I'm doing this" three things!

Glow Serum - Every morning and night I gently pat my glow serum onto my face and neck after cleaning my face.

Tummy Roller - This blend of DiGize and Peppermint calms my stomach and with consistent use promotes a healthy digestive system.

Nighttime Routine - I'm going to do a longer post on this, but my oil game is strong at night. Rollers, diffusing, sheet spray, you name it, I do it and sleep amazingly well!

What are your favorite and most necessary ways to use essential oils every day?