Barreista Be Well

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Dry Brushing

The act of dry brushing is great for exfoliating dry skin. It also helps to detoxify the skin by increasing blood circulation and stimulating the lymphatic system. Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process and stimulates your nervous system, which can make you feel invigorated afterward.

Getting started is easy. You’ll want to use a natural-bristle brush to gently but firmly brush your skin in small strokes or a circular motion, starting at the feet and moving towards the heart. When you get to the arms you’ll want to start and the hands and work inward. Always working towards the heart. You may go over each area a couple of times. When you get to your belly, brush in a clockwise motion.

You can dry brush morning or night, before or after showering. It’s all a matter of preference. I prefer before showering and then following it up with a rich vitamin E moisturizer like Young Living’s Cel-Lite Magic™ Massage Oil, which helps to tone and nourish my skin. It includes grapefruit oil which helps to improve the appearance of skin texture.

What You’ll Need

I love to mix in essential oils to my dry brushing routine. You can subscribe here to receive a free guide on how to dry brush with oils!